Saturday, 30 December 2017

Better is the end

2017 is coming to an end. This is not j ust a time of merry making but also the time to pray more to avert every end of year evil. The Bible says that better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof This year will end with miracles for me in the name of Jesus I will not end this year in sorrow in the name of Jesus I will enter the new year with every member of my family in peace and joy in e name of Jesus

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Have you prayed today

Anyday without prayers is like a day without breathing. You must never go through a day with praying no matter how short it is. No busy schedule or problems should stop you from praying. Let pray: I cover myself with the blood of Jesus. No evil shall before me and family. I recover my stolen blessings today in the name of Jesus. Pray more

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Midnight Prayers

One of the most effective ways to pray is midnight prayers. It is a known secret that forces of darkness garther mostly at night, therefore this is the best time to wage a counter attack on your enemies Let's Pray: Wherever my enemies are gathered, Holy Ghost Fire Scarther them I nullify every decision of the enemy concerning me by the blood of Jesus No weapon fashion against me and family shall prospeandr in the name of Jesus O God arise and let my enemies be scattered in the name of Jesus Holy Ghost pursue my pursuers and destroy them Add your own and pray for at least one hour every night. You will be victorious in Jesus name Amen

Pray Anywhere, Anyhow. Anytime

There is no convenient place and time to pray. When the urge to pray comes, do so immediately. Delay in praying might be dangerous. You do not need to be in a particular place and dress in a particular fashion to pray. Prayer is a two way communication with God and God is everywhere. Pray now Oh God let the end of this year be wonderful for me and family in Jesus name Amen

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Prayer of Thanksgiving

One of the best ways to pray is to thank God for what you have, what you need and even for what you are yet to receive. It shows your faith and also motivate you immensely. Now let's Pray: Father I thank you for the grace you have given me to be alive this day Father I thank you for everyone in my family I thank you for all the great things you have done for me I thank Lord for the blessings am about to receive. Add whatever you need and thank the Lord for what he has done for you. The end of the year is the best time for this kind of prayer

Monday, 18 December 2017

I Reject Bad News

End of year has come and the devil is on last minute stock taking. We also must be alert and reject every plan of the enemy concerning us and our family. Let us Pray: I reject bad news in the name of Jesus I reject end of year tragedy in the name of Jesus No evil report shall be heard concerning me and my family in the name of Jesus I shall go into the new I with every member of my family in peace and great joy in the name of Jesus Add more of what you want. Pray and Pray

Friday, 15 December 2017

There is no small problem

Every problem must be handled with caution no matter how small it may seem. It can easily degenerate into a bigger problem. Therefore you must pray concerning that so called little problem. Ask God to turn the problem to solution and give you the wisdom to handle the situation. O God, turn my mistakes to miracle, turn my problem to solution in the name of Jesus. Amen

Monday, 11 December 2017

Today, I possess my possession

Begin now to possess whatever you need through fervent prayer Today I possess my prosperity in the name of Jesus Today I possess my good health in the name of Jesus Today I possess my husband and children in the name of Jesus Today I possess my good job and career in the name of Jesus Now add whatever you want to possess. Pray continually and thank the Lord for answered prayers

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Prayer is not a feeling

When you don't feel like praying is when you need to pray more. Your feelings should not determine when you pray. Pray until something happens even when you are least encouraged

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Prayer Points For Today

Holy Ghost fire incubate my spirit man in the name of Jesus. Lord show me the secret of my life in the name of Jesus. Pray these two prayer points fervently. We all need the Holy Ghost fire for all round victory. And when God shows you the secret of your life, victory is certain

Friday, 1 December 2017

New Month Confessions

What you confess, you possess, therefore let's make these positive confessions this new month. This is my month of total recovery. I recover all my delayed and stolen blessings for the year 2017 in the name of Jesus. This is my month of celebration. My family and I shall have cause to celebrate throughout this month in the name of Jesus. This is my month of miracles. My expected blessings begin to manifest now rapidly in Jesus name This is my month of favor. This month I shall find favor with everyone I come in contact with. in the name of Jesus This is my month of divine manifestation. Oh Lord begin to manifest your power in every area of my life in the name of Jesus Amen Add your own prayer points and begin to make these confessions everyday of this month. You will see great results in Jesus name Amen

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

The Best Time To Pray

The best time to pray is when you do not feel like praying. When you are so overwhelmed with discouragement and sadness is actually the time to pray more. Unfortunately, so many people focus more on the source of their pain than looking up to God Prayer will lift up your spirit sand give you a clearer direction on the way out of your predicament. Pray Now