Monday, 26 February 2018

When Last Did You Pray

Be sincere with yourself, when did you pray last. Was it the last time you had a terrible situation at hand. Was it yesterday and have been too busy to pray since then? Be a prayer addict. Pray always as you are led by the Holy Spirit. Don't wait for special time and place to pray, it maybe be harmful to your life. Let's Pray:O God let this week be a fruitful and joyful week for me and my family in Jesus name Amen

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Prayer is never too much

Is there something you have been praying and yet no change? It doesn't mean God has not answered it only means it's not yet time for the manifestation. Continue to pray, do not give up. Prayer is never too much. The more you pray the stronger and happier you become Let's pray: Oh Lord give me the grace to always pray in the name of Jesus. Oh God answer me by fire in the name of Jesus. Today I receive answers to my prayers in the name of Jesus. Begin to thank the Lord for answered prayers

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Prayers of Forgiveness

Wonderful Father I thank you for your mercies upon my life. Please Lord forgive me all my sins. Wash me O Lord with the precious blood of Jesus. Sanctify me holy and make me worthy to receive from you. Have you ever prayed sincerely like these or are one of those who only ask and ask forgetting their sins. Forgiveness from God pave the way to receive more blessings Always pray for forgiveness because we sin everyday even in our thoughts